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Java SE 17 Developer 1Z0-829 Course

Course Format:Online Course
Self-Study Time:Approximately 120 Hours (Self-Study)
Delivery Time:1-2 Working Days (Email)
Based on 227 reviews from
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6 monthly payments:
1 payment of £132.00 taken now 5 further payments of £39.60 - taken monthly with GoCardless
6 Month Payment Option Details:
1 initial payment of £132.00 followed by 5 monthly payments of £39.60 by Direct Debit
Course Description

The Java SE 17 Developer Course is suitable for anyone looking to obtain an Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer or Java Foundations Certified Junior Associate Certification and is also suitable for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Java.

The course provides detailed preparation for the Oracle Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829) exam and the Java Foundations (1Z0-811) exam. The Developer exam covers a wide variety of core topics in Java 17 including classes, interfaces, streams, collections, concurrency, and modules. The Java Foundations exam is a junior-level certification exam that contains a variety of introductory and basic Java 8 topics.

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

  • Describe the object-oriented programming approach
  • Explain Java syntax and coding conventions
  • Use Java constructs and operators
  • Use core Java APIs, such as Collections, Streams, IO, and Concurrency
  • Deploy Java SE applications
  • Describe new features introduced as part of JDK 17
Java SE 17 Developer Course Format

This course is delivered through an online portal and will give students 12 months access to their materials. The course includes interactive activities that to keep the student engaged, and each lesson includes Flash Cards, a short quiz and exercises to confirm your understanding of the subject. When returning to your studies you to return to the last point or to the furthest point you have read.

The Java SE 17 Developer Course includes the following units:

The following topics are covered:

  • Learning about the Environment
  • Understanding the Class Structure
  • Writing a main() Method
  • Understanding Package Declarations and Imports
  • Creating Objects
  • Understanding Data Types
  • Declaring Variables
  • Initializing Variables
  • Managing Variable Scope
  • Destroying Objects
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Understanding Java Operators
  • Applying Unary Operators
  • Working with Binary Arithmetic Operators
  • Assigning Values
  • Comparing Values
  • Making Decisions with the Ternary Operator
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Creating Decision-Making Statements
  • Applying switch Statements
  • Writing while Loops
  • Constructing for Loops
  • Controlling Flow with Branching
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Creating and Manipulating Strings
  • Using the StringBuilder Class
  • Understanding Equality
  • Understanding Arrays
  • Calculating with Math APIs
  • Working with Dates and Times
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Designing Methods
  • Declaring Local and Instance Variables
  • Working with Varargs
  • Applying Access Modifiers
  • Accessing static Data
  • Passing Data among Methods
  • Overloading Methods
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Understanding Inheritance
  • Creating Classes
  • Declaring Constructors
  • Initializing Objects
  • Inheriting Members
  • Creating Abstract Classes
  • Creating Immutable Objects
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Implementing Interfaces
  • Working with Enums
  • Sealing Classes
  • Encapsulating Data with Records
  • Creating Nested Classes
  • Understanding Polymorphism
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Writing Simple Lambdas
  • Coding Functional Interfaces
  • Using Method References
  • Working with Built-in Functional Interfaces
  • Working with Variables in Lambdas
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Using Common Collection APIs
  • Using the List Interface
  • Using the Set Interface
  • Using the Queue and Deque Interfaces
  • Using the Map Interface
  • Comparing Collection Types
  • Sorting Data
  • Working with Generics
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Returning an Optional
  • Using Streams
  • Working with Primitive Streams
  • Working with Advanced Stream Pipeline Concepts
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Understanding Exceptions
  • Recognizing Exception Classes
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Automating Resource Management
  • Formatting Values
  • Supporting Internationalization and Localization
  • Loading Properties with Resource Bundles
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Introducing Modules
  • Creating and Running a Modular Program
  • Updating Our Example for Multiple Modules
  • Diving into the Module Declaration
  • Creating a Service
  • Discovering Modules
  • Comparing Types of Modules
  • Migrating an Application
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Introducing Threads
  • Creating Threads with the Concurrency API
  • Writing Thread-Safe Code
  • Using Concurrent Collections
  • Identifying Threading Problems
  • Working with Parallel Streams
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Referencing Files and Directories
  • Operating on File and Path
  • Introducing I/O Streams
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Serializing Data
  • Interacting with Users
  • Working with Advanced APIs
  • Review of Key APIs
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

The following topics are covered:

  • Introducing Relational Databases and SQL
  • Introducing the Interfaces of JDBC
  • Connecting to a Database
  • Working with a PreparedStatement
  • Little Bobby Tables
  • Getting Data from a ResultSet
  • Calling a CallableStatement
  • Controlling Data with Transactions
  • Closing Database Resources
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials
Practice Tests & Quizzes

This study guide uses a number of common elements to help you prepare. These include the following:

Pre-Assessment Quiz:

At the end of the introduction, there is a pre assessment quiz that you can use to test your readiness for the course and the exam.

Flash Cards:

The course has an interactive Flash Card Quiz specifically written to test your knowledge, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t ace your way through them at first! They’re there to ensure that you know critical terms and concepts and you’re really ready for the exam.


The Summary section of each lesson briefly explains the lesson, allowing you to easily understand what is covered.

Exam Essentials:

The Exam Essentials focus on major exam topics and critical knowledge that you should take into the test. These Exam Essentials focus on the exam objectives provided by the test provider.

Lab Exercises:

The written labs provide more in-depth practice opportunities to expand your skills and to better prepare for performance-based testing on the exam.

Post Assessment:

This is a final indicator to gauge a student’s readiness and should be attempted after completing all lessons.

Practice Exam Quiz:

A Practice Exam Quiz is included for completion at the end of the course.


It is recommended that you have previously studied programming languages, or have an existing knowledge of Java Programming.

Course Duration & Online Support

You can register at any time and have 12 months access to the course from enrolment. The course is designed as a self-study course, but if you have any problems you can email our support email service.

As this is a self-study course, how quickly it takes to complete will depend on the learner and the amount of time they have available to study.


Assessment is in the form of the Oracle Certified Java SE 17 Developer 1Z0-829 Examination. The Examination has 50 questions in a multiple choice format over a 90-minute period. The passing score is 68%.

Oracle Certified Java SE 17 Developer Certification

On Completion of this course, you can apply for the Oracle Certified Java SE 17 Developer 1Z0-829 Examination.

Examinations must be sat with Oracle through their MyLearn account using an Oracle Exam Attempt instead of a voucher, and exams are currently £196.00 + VAT each. This price is subject to change so please check directly with Oracle for confirmation.

Quick Question

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