How to become a Python Developer

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Learning computer programming can be a complex task for someone who hasn't had much exposure to computer software, but it can still be done! With utilising easy-to-learn languages such as Python, a student can quickly grasp the fundamental skills required to be a software developer. Acquiring the skills to write computer programs will open many avenues within IT support, software development and even website design, that can be used across a range of industries.

Below we have included detailed information regarding our Python for Beginners course, which will enable candidates to start learning how to use the simple programming language. As simple as it is, it can be used to create complex games using computer graphics, animation, music and sound effects.


It's advised that before starting the Python for Beginners course that you have a basic understanding of using computers and more specifically, the Windows operating system. The supplied software packages can only be installed on Windows so you will require an adequate PC with a recent version of Windows installed on it in order to complete the course. If you have a Mac, there are options for installing Windows on a partition, if required.

Thankfully the course can be delivered on a multitude of web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome or even Safari. This means you can stick with your preferred browser throughout the duration of the course.


  1. Getting Started - introducing Python and basic processes
  2. Looping and Branching - understanding branching statements and other word games
  3. Lists and Dictionaries - how to implement different list methods, hangman and anagrams
  4. Functions - creating functions, variables and parameters
  5. Accessing Files - storing complex data, accessing text files and creating quizzes
  6. Python Objects - How to use classes, methods, objects, constructors and attributes
  7. Object-Orientated Programming - creating classes, understanding inheritance methods
  8. GUI Development - event-driven programming and the grid layout method
  9. Incorporating Graphics - displaying objects, moving sprites and collision detection
  10. Adding Sound and Animation - using animation, sound and music, creating Meteor Mayhem


  • Students may start the course at any time, but will only have access to a personal tutor for a full year, so the recommendation is to complete it within this time. 
  • The Python for Beginners Level 3 course is assessed purely on coursework alone, which means there is no need to book in for an exam once the units are complete. 
  • Successful completion of the course results in the student gaining an Open Awards Level 3 certificate.

For more information about Python for Beginners Level 3, head over to the Python Online Course page. To browse the rest of the courses listed on Distance Learning Centre, have a read of the distance learning courses page.